In a career in insurance, you can work as an insurance agent (OTL) or as an insurance broker (RIBO). There is a difference between the two roles. Both require a license but it’s not always clear what the differences are and how to get those licenses. Learn more
The self-regulatory body for insurance brokers in Ontario, the Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario, is stepping up its efforts to help consumers understand what’s behind the RIBO license. It’s a level 1 licence that allows you to sell residential and commercial auto, property and travel insurance in the province of Ontario. It doesn’t let you sell life or health insurance, which is an LLQP licence.
Prep and Pass: Strategies for RIBO Exam Success
RIBO has launched a Consultation Paper on the role of the Principal Broker (“PB”) and Broker Responsibility. It’s designed to stimulate discussion on how PBs can be more fully supported and as a result, more effectively serve their clients. The consultation is open until April 30, 2021.
RIBO’s level 1 licensing exam is a multiple choice test with ninety (90) questions and one short answer case study. It requires three hours to complete. RIBO exams can be taken virtually proctored through TopClass or via ProctorU or in person at Institute examination centres across the country. ILScorp offers an online RIBO Level 1 exam preparation course that satisfies the basic broker skill requirements established by RIBO. It’s the perfect study partner for your RIBO license!…
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