Swimming Pool Fencing Regulations

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Before building a fence around your swimming pool, make sure it meets all pool fencing regulation set by the local council. The first regulation requires that gates that access the pool must be self-closing and latch at least four feet above the ground. The next two regulations require that the distance between horizontal members must be at least 45 inches and the space between the bottom and top of the fence should be less than two inches. The fourth regulation is a little more detailed, but it’s an essential safety rule to keep in mind.

How to Do Swimming Pool Fencing Regulations

pool fencing regulation

To comply with these requirements, your barrier must be solid and should have a maximum of four inches of space between horizontal and vertical members. Additionally, there can be no openings larger than 1.75 inches in size within eighteen inches of the latch. The horizontal and vertical members of the barrier must be placed on the pool side. They should be at least 34 inches apart and the space between them must not exceed three inches. You may use tooled masonry joints for the gate, but they must be more than two inches apart.

The fence must be at least eight feet tall on both sides and must have no openings. It must also be non-climbable and have a self-latching gate. A horizontal barrier must have a gate with a latching mechanism at least four inches above the ground. Regardless of the type of fence you choose, the gate must be self-closing and lockable. As far as the barriers go, they must be at least four feet high. The vertical space between the topmost vertical member and the second-lowest horizontal member of the barrier must be at least forty-five inches.