What Is Domain Reputation API?

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Domain reputation API is a security tool that evaluates a domain or IP address for risk level based on several data feeds. It checks dozens of parameters and comes up with an overall reputation score for the target. This can help companies understand if a domain is safe and whether it contains exploitable vulnerabilities. This is a valuable asset for businesses because it can help them mitigate threats and protect their networks.

The program checks different data feeds such as mail server feeds (SPF and DMARC), DNS servers, the domain/IP infrastructure, the name and mail server configurations, and malware databases to analyze a domain’s reputation status. It also warns users if the domain has suspicious SSL certificates. In the world of cyberspace, keeping a company’s online environment free from malicious properties can be challenging. This is because cybercriminals constantly look for ways to circumvent security measures.

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One of the most common tactics is through spamming. This can damage a business’s email sending reputation, causing their emails to get blocked or filtered by email service providers (ESP). A domain reputation API can help prevent this from happening by detecting spam complaints and unsubscribe requests.

In addition to this, a domain reputation API can also help businesses improve their email engagement metrics by analyzing their open rates. This is because a declining open rate can indicate that your subject lines and content formats are no longer relevant to your subscribers. A domain reputation API can also provide insights into how often your subscribers click on your email links so you can adjust your marketing campaigns accordingly.